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Why is one of the pins in a three plug longer and thicker than the others

visibility 22K views calendar_month Nov 16, 2023

Connections in a three pin plug. When you place the pins towards you, the larger and thicker pin is connected to the earth, the left pin is connected to line or phase. And the right pin is connected to neutral. Why earth connection is important? Earth is a safety connection. It reduces the risk of electric shock. Sometimes, faults or insulation failures (damaged wire) may cause electric discharge on the metal body of an appliance. This will result in electrocution of the person operating it. The earth wire safely conducts the electric discharge to the earth. The earth pin is longer and thicker than the other two pins for the following reasons. When an appliance is plugged in the socket, it has to connect to the earth, before it is connected to the line and the neutral. When an appliance is unplugged from the socket, it the earth must be disconnected, after the line and the neutral. This ensures that before the appliance is powered up the appliance is earthed and ensures safety against electrocution. More: https://www.electricalclassroom.com/why-three-pin-plug-has-one-large-pin/ Like our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/electricalclassroom/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Electricclassro Follow us on Google: https://plus.google.com/+Electricalclassroompage