Electric Current and Current Flow

To understand the basics of electricity it is necessary to understand the concepts of electric charge and current. Electrically charged particles are present in every matter in the universe. The unique property of these charged particles is that it can move on the application of an external force. This article aims to help you understand … Read more

Electric Charge

Like gravitational force that acts on all masses, the electrostatic force is another fundamental force in nature. The term ‘electric charge’ is very difficult to explain but we can describe its properties. All particles present in nature are composed of charges. The history of charges extends back to 200BC. If you want to experience charge, … Read more

Voltage and Electric potential difference

Voltage is the term used to refer to the potential difference. Every material in this world is made up of atoms. Each atom is made up of protons, electrons and neutrons, which are positively charged, negatively charged and electrically neutral respectively. As we know a force of attraction prevails between these positively charged protons and … Read more

Digital I/O and Analog I/O

Automation has become the backbone of almost all industries worldwide. Digital IO and analog IO are the most basic terms of any PLC/DCS based control and microcontroller-based applications. A PLC collects data from the field process it as pre-programmed and produces one or more outputs. The data that is collected from the field is considered … Read more

Difference between single-phase and three-phase power AC supplies

Anyone who uses electricity and has heard of term: single-phase and three Phase, maybe trying to understand the difference between them. This article narrates the differences between a single-phase power supply and a three-phase power supply. What is meant by phase? Before getting into our topic, it is essential to understand the term phase. The … Read more

Kilowatt to Kilo-volt-ampere (kW to kVA) Converter

Use the following online tool to convert kW to kVA online. Enter the kW Enter the Power Factor Convert Also Try: Kilovolt ampere (kVA) to kilowatts (kW) Converter Kilowatt is the unit of power. It is the product of voltage, ampere, and power factor. It is also called real power. One kilowatt(kW) is equal to … Read more

Transformer turns ratio calculator online

The primary function of a power transformer is to step up or step down voltage as per the requirement. The magnitude of voltage transformation in a transformer depends on its turns ratio. The output voltage of any transformer can be theoretically calculated from its turns ratio. Use the following transformer turns ratio calculator for turns … Read more

Transformer – Operation, construction and types

An electric transformer is a device used to step up and step down ac voltages. This article will help you understand their basic concepts, construction, the principle of operation, tests conducted on them, and their classification. During earlier days, DC power was generated close to load stations and distributed. The invention of the transformer resulted … Read more

Transformer – FAQ | Interview Questions -Part 3

What is the purpose of transformer oil? Transformer oil functions as a coolant as well as insulating material. It also enables transformer protection during internal faults. It is chemically stable and has high thermal conductivity and dielectric strength. On the event of faults it decays rapidly and forms gases which operate Buchholz relay. What are … Read more

Why is electricity transmitted at high voltages?

You might have noticed huge towers supporting the high voltage transmission lines in your locality. These high voltage lines transmit electric power generated at power stations which are situated at remote locations. Power stations are built away from the cities where natural resources are available and are transmitted to the load centres. Electricity is transmitted … Read more