Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction

Michael Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in 1831 which was a major breakthrough and led to the invention of electric motor and generator. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction describes two phenomena: interaction between a conductor and a magnetic field, and the EMF generated by the magnetic field, which is widely known as Faraday’s … Read more

Lenz’s law

Heinrich Friedrich Emil Lenz was a Russian physicist, working at the University of St. Petersburg, Russia. He formulated Lenz’s law in 1834. This law predicts the direction of the current and the induced voltage in a coil held in a magnetic field. Lenz’s law – Statement The direction of an induced e.m.f. is always such … Read more

Generate electricity from electricity – Is that possible?

“Can we generate electricity from electricity?”  This is a quite common question that many people ask. The answer for this question is amazingly simple but tricky. We need to understand the principle of energy transformation to be able to digest the answer. According to the law of conservation of energy, “Energy can neither be created … Read more

Electrical wiring color codes – Important

Electrical engineers and electricians follow predefined wiring color codes while wiring houses, commercial buildings and industrial panel boards. It is mandatory to know the electrical wiring color codes before attempting any kind of repair works yourself. The electrical wiring color codes followed is slightly different in every part of the world depending on the standards … Read more

Kirchhoff’s laws – voltage and current laws – Explained

The relationship between the current and voltage in a circuit was studied and formulated into laws by Gustov Kirchhoff, a German Physicist in 1845. Kirchhoff’s laws state the relationship between current and voltage in an electric circuit. They are applicable for both AC and DC circuits and forms the basis for circuit analysis. Kirchhoff’s laws … Read more

Electric Short Circuit

Electricity is required for lighting up our homes and powering up industries. It can be constructive or destructive depending on how carefully it is handled. One of the most dangerous situations is when there is a short circuit. You may have heard of fired accidents caused due to short circuits or even deaths due to … Read more

Real, Reactive, Complex and Apparent power

Today most of the electric loads work on AC power. Every electric load possess a certain amount of resistance. Some loads, in addition to resistance, possess capacitance or inductance. The total impedance offered by the load to the current flow determines how much active and reactive power it would consume. The concepts of active power, … Read more

Basics of Alternating current

Electrical Power is the basis of modern life. It forms the basis for industrial and infrastructure developments and makes our life more comfortable. This article will help you understand the basics of Alternating current. Today, most of the power we use is generated and transmitted as alternating current. Discovery of alternating current has made power … Read more

Ohm’s Law – Relationship between current and voltage

Ohm’s law is one of the basic principles of electricity. It relates the basic parameters of electricity, current and voltage, to each other. Georg Ohm, after whom the law was named, conduct a few experiments on circuits containing different lengths of wires and found that the voltage applied and current are directly proportional. He derived … Read more

Conductance | What is conductance?

Every material in the universe is believed to be made up of atoms. In an atom, electrons are bound to its nucleus by a strong force of attraction by the protons in the nuclei. In some materials few free electrons are available. These electrons can move freely along the material. Such materials with free electrons … Read more